Sunday, February 15, 2009

What will be your gift for your Valentine this year if you are given a budget of Rs. 8000.00 ?

Let’s suppose I won a Valentine Day contest and the prize of Rs.8000/- came with the condition that I had to spend it solely on my Valentine. Hmmm…the moot point is that I don’t have a Valentine in the strict romantic sense of the word. However, considering that now-a-days just about anybody can be considered a Valentine, I would splurge the Rs.8000/- on my mother.
First, I would ensure the local florist delivers a bright bouquet of colourful blooms (Rs. 100/-) at our doorstep before breakfast. My mother simply loves greenery of any kind, whether it is a plant with just leaves or a long-stemmed flower. So Valentine Day must begin with a gift of flowers, a warm hug, and the magic words "I love you".

The next thing to do to make 14th February special for my mother would be to hire a chauffeur-driven car for half a day. This gift selection idea is to ensure that my mother can visit all those places that she would like to but could not; at her very senior age, it is difficult to get aboard a local train or a bus and the local taxis are not exactly comfort-oriented.

Since generations we are a book-crazy family and at every possible free time we are reading. My mother is no less a voracious reader, so I would definitely give her a gift voucher from the local Crossword Store to purchase whichever books she desires. She also loves watching old Hindi films of Dev Anand, Madhubala, and the like. So my gift voucher of Rs. 2000/- would let her buy as many books and DVDs she wants!

Taking her out to lunch is a great idea, but due to dietary restrictions not feasible. Hence, I would personally cook the simple meal she loves – dal-rice and bhindi, which is her favourite vegetable. After she has had her afternoon rest, I would take her out in the car I rented (that would cost between Rs. 1000/- and Rs. 2000/-). She had once mentioned her wish to cruise along Marine Drive and visit some of the shops in South Mumbai. One of these is the Bombay Store , where I would let my mother purchase gifts from the home accessories section where she would love browsing through perfumed candles, cutlery, furnishings, etc. At the end of the day, with any money left over, I would rent the car again for the next day (the hours depending on much cash still left) for another enjoyable cruise to some other part of the city. So Valentine Day would continue…

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